Posts Tagged ‘online’

Real Estate Forum’s Capital Markets Survey 2011: Money’s Back, But It’s Picky
The capital markets are certainly in a much different state than they were just a few months ago, and conditions continue to change. The editors of Real Estate Forum asked readers to participate in a survey to get a ground-level sense of the current state of the debt and equity financing arenas.
Tax reassessments bring relief to some North Jersey homeowners
There’s a silver lining to the real estate slide, and it’s about to bestow a tax break on homeowners in 14 North Jersey communities — and perhaps others in the near future.
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IT revs up residentialdemand in Coimbatore
THE HINDU The emerging infotech hub of the city. What the information technology and IT-enabled sector did for the southern suburbs of Chennai in driving demand for real estate, it seems to be doing for Coimbatore.
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Commercial real estate industry not excited about a possible Donald Trump presidential candidacy, online poll finds
As New York real estate magnate Donald Trump mulls a run for the Republican presidential nomination, people within his own industry aren’t exactly high on his candidacy, according to one online poll., a website run by ALM’s Real Estate…
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