Talk has been circulating that the Inland Empire, specifically Corona, Riverside, and Ontario, is beginning to devise plans to create a culture around the new transit systems. Currently, the transit system in Corona and downtown Riverside links the two cities together. City officials are suggesting linking Los Angles to the metro links as well. Is the Inland Empire ready for the Metro lifestyle its city officials say it is?
Everyone who has experienced the frustration of driving the 91 freeway can attest to the benefits a metro system linking Orange County, the Inland Empire, and Los Angeles together would have. However, thought has to be given to the expense this would cost to each city overall. Our country is in a great recession with the Inland Empire being one of the most economically poor counties in California. Expansion of the metro link to surrounding cities would be a huge cost. Currently, the metro link only links the major cities, Riverside to Corona leaving the pedestrian a large walking distance from the metro link to work, retail, and housing.
Expanding the metro link system would require more metro link stations to be built providing easier access to the workplace, home, and retail outlets. In addition, more housing, retail, and restaurants would need to be established by these specific stations. City officials and developers would love to see these changes take place, but without the aid of investors to back up the city’s vision, the project is at a standstill.
This new development of a downtown lifestyle being brought to the forefront of the Inland Empire provides the opportunity for much needed growth and improvement of the area. The initial costs of the project would be steep, but could possibly pay off in the future as the accessibility and charm of a new lifestyle sweeps the Inland Empire. Perhaps, the Inland Empire would be seen as more of a desirable location with the availability, diversity, and opportunity of corner cafes, high rise apartment buildings, and high end shops and restaurants lining the streets. This new exciting lifestyle could be exactly what the Inland Empire needs especially at times like this, a fresh start.